A New Boat Trailer Cover
You all may remember “A Tale of Two Boat Trailer Covers” from our blog a bit over a year ago, which showed the sad looking tarp that had given up the ghost after several bouts of bad weather, etc. Here’s the “before Black Dog” photo of that tarp:

Well, after some consideration, your intrepid webmaster decided that the trailer should get the same advantage that Black Dog Design customers have, and so a new trailer cover was commissioned. Here are the fantastic results (Click on the image below to view more photos of the new cover):

The new trailer cover that replaces the worn-out tarp. The bulge on the front-left covers the trailer’s spare tire.

This cover is expertly made and will protect the trailer for years.

This pouch provides access to the straps that tighten the cover around the trailer.

Full protection for the trailer’s tires. The strap underneath holds everything in place side to side.
Thank you to the Black Dog crew for another job well done!