A Special Barge Set Up For Winter Fun
This was a special order barge from Veranda Boat Company whose customer wanted to be able to use the boat in all seasons. Veranda came to Black Dog Design to provide this special enclosure.

The clear enclosure with replaceable screen panels allow the owners of this party barge to enjoy it all year!
The clear panels zip onto the bimini top and zip to each other.
We also ended up making screen panels that could be changed out with the clear. These were ordered after the boat was shipped to Louisiana. The customer shipped the clear panels back to Black Dog Design, and they were used for a pattern to make the screen enclosure panels.

Screened panels can replace the clear windows in the enclosure for bug-free breezes in the summertime.
The wonderful thing about clear enclosures is how easily they heat up with very little sun in cold weather. The great thing about screen or scrim panels is that there is airflow through the boat, but bugs cannot get in. The scrim also has a sun protection factor and is a good choice for people who have sun issues yet still need to be out on the water with nature.